Chapter 6128
"Then go and kidnap him!" Harrison roared furiously. "Find the best interrogator to interrogate him! If he refuses to come forth with the whereabouts of the Four-Sided Treasure Tower, kill him!"

Hank was slightly dazed by the bellow. He composed himself and replied, "Okay, sir. I'll have my men ready to kidnap Biden from the hospital."

"Wait..." Harrison hesitated for a moment and then lamented, "Argh, forget it..."

Harrison, who had calmed down, knew very well that he had made a grave mistake by sending people to the Cole family mansion to inspect and search in broad daylight. His reputation would be completely ruined if he really sent Hank and his men to kidnap Biden at the hospital.

After all, it was equivalent to terrorism if he wanted to kidnap a man directly from the police and the FBI, and it would certainly lead to a fight. It was totally unwise to commit such a terrible crime.

After pondering his options, Harrison hissed in frustration and began, "Go to the hospital
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