Chapter 6122
After the Four-Sided Treasure Tower was in Oskia, it could be returned to the Oskian government with the help of Emmett, and the mission would be completed.

However, Charlie had no intention of leaving the United States just like that.

Raymond was still in the hospital for treatment, and no one knew what the U.S. government and the Rothschild family would do to him after he was discharged. Charlie did not want to leave him alone. If possible, he would do his best to get Raymond out of prison and restore his freedom.


Hank ordered a group of men to rush into the Cole family mansion. They turned the mansion upside down but could not find any traces of breaking in.

What puzzled them was that there was a lot of noise inside the house, and a lot of furniture and decorations were indeed broken. It was obvious that someone had been there. Otherwise, how could things fall with a crash inside an empty mansion with locked doors?

But here came the strange part. It did look
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