Chapter 6117
Helena's reschedule would be officially announced in a few hours. What awaited next was to see if Harrison would urge Royce to go to Canada.

If everything went according to plan, Charlie could take Julien's helicopter and fly to Canada with Royce.

Either way, Julien and Royce were now his so-called hostages. He did not have to worry about them spilling the beans. In fact, he could constantly control and threaten them using this collaboration, which was much more practical than psychologically manipulating them.

Psychological manipulation would be risky as those who were most familiar with them would be able to sense the abnormality sooner or later. Hence, Charlie preferred this kind of mild blackmail, which would be efficient when facing a strong opponent. The harder the opponent struggled to break free, the tighter he would be bound.

Julien and Royce were bewildered as they watched Charlie finish the phone call with Helena.

They didn't expect that Helena, the Queen of Northe
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