Chapter 6107
Julien was astonished by Charlie's remarks.

Upon careful consideration, Julien felt that what Charlie said made sense. Whoever took the Four-Sided Treasure Tower would be the first heir, so the only idea he had in mind was to quickly retrieve the treasure tower so that he could retain his position as the first heir.

But when he thought about this crisis from another perspective, what if no one could find the treasure tower? He was the first heir, to begin with. If he cut off others' chances of advancement, he would still be the first heir, wouldn't he?

The only difference, of course, was that in this case, although he was still the first heir, the treasure tower would no longer belong to the Rothschild family.

But he was left with no choice now.

His life was in Charlie's hands, and he was thankful to be able to survive the ordeal.

Thus, he asked tentatively, "Sir, can you please guarantee that the other Rothschilds will never find the treasure tower, let alone get it home?"
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