Chapter 6094
Hank brought Julien and Royce to the villa's third floor. Looking at Biden's mansion from a distance, Julien asked, "Have you searched the house?"

Hank answered, "We've done more than that. We scanned the entire house and courtyard with many detectors but found nothing."

Julien's eyes widened in surprise, and he queried, "The treasure tower is made of metal, but the detector couldn't detect it. Does that mean it's not here?"

"It's hard to say." Hank explained, "Biden is very sly. He must have made full preparations since he dared to swap the tower. There are more than ten secret rooms in the house, so there might be dark rooms that we haven't found yet."

"Okay!" Julien nodded and affirmed, "You must find the treasure tower even if you have to turn the house upside down!"

Hank sighed. "That's gonna be hard for us now. The FBI has warned us that overdoing the search could cause a lot of trouble, and we've lost our control over Biden. The entire country is pointing fingers at us
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