Chapter 6084
These few days, Harrison had tried his best to handle the crisis rather flawlessly. Thanks to his think tank and only by pushing Malcolm out as the family's scapegoat did he barely manage to avoid getting himself covered in filth.

Just as he was relieved because of his luck, Gustavo had come out of nowhere and dragged him to hell, delivering a fatal blow to Harrison.

In an instant, condemnation of Harrison flooded various social media platforms.

It was beyond the Rothschild family members' imagination that Gustavo would come out and denounce them, and they panicked.

It was against all the rules to make a deal with drug traffickers, to give these people prison privileges, and to receive benefits in Mexico through drug traffickers.

It would have been rather acceptable had this happened in the 19th century during the Opium War. After all, everybody was a drug dealer, including the nobility and royal families. It was no big deal for the Rothschild family to be involved with drug
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