Chapter 6072
A young man's voice echoed across the computer speaker, "Grandpa, that social media platform has progressed rapidly in the past year or so and has a large user base around the world. Although it is not yet listed, the current market value is estimated to be around 400 billion dollars."

"400 billion?! Are you sure?!" Harrison yelped in shock. "How can a platform like that have such a high value?"

The man nodded. "Short videos are trending now. That Oskian platform has taken the lead in the process, and it's hard for outdated technologies like ours to catch up with them. Now, short videos have become the gateway for all walks of life. Everyone who does business is trying to get traffic through these platforms and realize monetization. They are powerful in e-commerce, virtual services, and value-added services. In fact, 400 billion is just a conservative estimate. If they are given a little more time, they may even surpass Facebook."

"Damn it!" Harrison cursed in irritation. "How co
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