Chapter 6066
Carson Rothschild, who was also a core member of the Rothschild family, was the eldest son of Malcolm's fifth uncle. He had gotten married just last year. Soon after the wedding, his wife had cheated on him with Malcolm. Every time Carson left New York for a business trip overseas, Malcolm would secretly meet with Carson's wife.

All the Rothschild family members gathered at the online conference including Carson, who was currently in South Africa. Only Malcolm, the troublemaker, failed to show up, which drove Harrison up the wall.

In his pajamas, Harrison yelled at the camera and his offspring on the screen, "Where the hell is Malcolm?! After all he has done, he didn't even show up!"

Ronald Rothschild, Malcolm's father, replied hastily, "Dad, I called him, but the call didn't go through. I guess his phone is off."

Enraged, Harrison badgered, "Oh yeah? His phone is off? So?! Is that all you can do? Where's his assistant? Where's his driver? Where's his bodyguard? Even if he's sle
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