Chapter 6041
Bruce quickly said, "Don't worry. I can go back to prison now as long as you can help me. I can receive your treatment there..."

Charlie hummed and confided, "It's just that the treatment is tedious and takes time, and you have to be naked. More importantly, the treatment is quite painful, and you will definitely scream. Are you sure you want the people here to know about it?"

Bruce hastily affirmed, "Don't worry about that. I'll have my most trusted guard take you out of the cell and secretly bring you to my office. I'll be waiting for you there. The soundproofing is very good. No one will hear anything. It will be a secret between us."

Bruce attentively hoped to keep this situation a secret because it was too embarrassing.

He could have vacated a room in the prison so that Charlie could treat him, but on second thought, he realized that no place was absolutely safe. After all, this was a prison. Many places had no blind spots and were patrolled 24 hours a day. He would be doo
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