Chapter 6035
The "maid" soon noticed something unusual. She looked down, hastily stepped back in horror, and mumbled, "W-What the hell is that?!"

The "prisoner" was equally terrified. She stepped back, waved her hands frantically, and quavered, "I-I-I'm afraid I can't take it... I-I'll refund the money..."

By this time, Bruce's face had turned red.

It wasn't because he was angry, but he was in so much pain that he felt like he was going to explode at any moment.

He had never experienced such severe pain in his life. Each second felt like forever.

Despite her horror, the "maid" approached him and asked, trembling, "S-Sir, I t-t-think you should have that checked. It looks like the tissue is dying..."

Bruce was sweating profusely. The increasing pain had caused his legs to weaken and even begin to shake violently.

He desperately covered his penis and cried out in misery, "Q-Quick! H-Help me! It's going to explode... I can't take it anymore!"

The two ladies were shivering in fear. The
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