Chapter 6022
A sudden shout from outside the crowd made everyone involuntarily look over.

Neither Moses nor Gustavo expected someone to intervene at this moment.

Just as everyone was clueless, Charlie pushed the people around aside and walked to the front of Gustavo and Moses.

The men were utterly stunned and didn't realize that a tall and skinny man had just pushed them aside. Before they could come to their senses, Charlie had already walked past them.

Staring skeptically at Charlie's foreign face, Moses pointed at Charlie angrily and asked, "Who the hell are you? Do you want to die?"

With that, he gestured to two men around him and shouted, "Take him out and kick his ass!"

Upon hearing this, the two men immediately approached Charlie while rubbing their hands.

They were judging Charlie while approaching him. Charlie was tall and thin and looked like someone who never exercised. Meanwhile, both of them were muscular and large. They assumed that beating Charlie up was a piece of cak
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