They sat down to have dinner, they talked and they had to make Alexander laugh watching how they all threw bits of jelly among themselves, but a bit went in his direction and hit him on the cheek, they all stood still looking at him thinking he would get angry, but something else happened

-Hahahaha, I think they are daring, so am I-Alexander said

Alexander joined the game, throwing bits of jelly at everyone with his spoon and laughing, the servants were open-mouthed, they had never seen that in the castle before.

It was already late and Alexander told Dominik to go in the car to leave them at his castle.

The three of them were in the back and Alice kissed Dominik first and he kissed her back, then Dianne did and a deep kiss also passed between the two of them, they arrived and Adrien was standing waiting for them, the three of them came out and Adrien realized From the lipstick on Dominik's mouth he smiled saying

-Hello Dominik, I see that you have come, entertaining!

-Hello Adrien, e
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