Chapter 12

I went to bed early that night, hoping to get some decent sleep for a change. The twin's lingered in my waking and sleeping moments. I thought about them a minimum of three hundred and twenty nine times a day. I'm not sure how that's possible, but you'd think that would keep them from lingering around in my dreams.

I tossed and turned for half the night, finally falling sleep around three in the morning. I didn't bother setting an alarm, I wanted to sleep through as much of the day as possible.

I woke around one in the afternoon, noticing a voicemail on the flip phone Melissa had gotten me.

The social worker had got my message and sent it along. She told me to expect the next check in the mail any day now. Melissa would be thrilled. I wonder how long it'll take her to revert back to her usual self. Hopefully she'll keep to her word and give me half of the money.

I trudged down the hall quietly, slipping into the bathroom when I thought the
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