Chapter 5631
Kali showed a horrible expression.

The eight disciples were the biggest supports of the outskirts’ branch. With their combined strength, they’d be powerful enough to go against a King of Arms.

And yet they were all taken out that quickly…

‘They didn’t get taken out after taking a single slap each, right…?’

Kali started to think that she had underestimated Henrik’s disciple.

Footsteps were heard in the darkness. Everyone looked over.

A man in a black robe, without any shoes, appeared. The man looked twenty-eight at most; he was a little short, with a smoky smell on him.

“Is he from the South Sea?” Harvey muttered to himself.

He didn’t think that the person who challenged the Outskirts Budokan was actually a man from there.

Bryar frowned, not saying a word; he naturally knew that as well.

“Ms. Kali! I heard that my master—your master said that you’re an outstanding disciple. Why are you mad now that I showed up? I’m sad!”

The man walked over with a smile and sat in front of Ka
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