Chapter 5624
Half an hour later, Harvey York left the Surrey family residence.

Aria Surrey drove him back to the urban area.

She gave him an access card. It was for one of the villas at Eden Mountain.

Harvey had no intention of accepting the card when Lennon Surrey presented it. Still, he reluctantly decided otherwise after thinking the Surrey family would only be at ease this way.

At the same time, Aria even came along to apologize in person.

She knew that without Harvey’s generosity, Ernie Surrey would have been either dead or completely crippled.


Half an hour later, Aria frowned while looking at her grandfather.

“Why aren’t you thinking of ways to keep Master York here?

“If he’s willing to be the family’s servant, even just in name, we wouldn’t be at a disadvantage when we go against the other tribes in the future.”

Lennon let out a sigh.

“He was able to see the family’s threat without much effort. Do you think a man like that would be satisfied being the family’s lowly servant?

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