Capítulo 7



After school, I headed to the school cafeteria for lunch. Seeing my friends already sitting at our usual lunch table with their plates, I quickly took mine and headed for the table. I left the lunch tray and sat in my seat. Digging quickly on my plate to eat.

"Did you do your math homework?" asked Maddie, as he looked at Payton and me.

Luckily for me, yesterday I did my homework with Payton at his house, so I knew I was going to be okay. Mathematics wasn't Maddie's best friends or mine. Payton, on the other hand, was a genius at almost everything. We all went to Payton when we needed help. Then when she looked at Payton and me; I knew the question was addressed to Payton. She was the genius of the group, and also very pretty; with her long dark brown hair and blue eyes.

"Of course I do, " replied Payton, hoping Maddie would ask the question he really wanted to ask.

"Can I copy it?" Maddie answered quickly, with a shy smile.

"You should start coming to my house after school with Chasity and me. That way we can all do our homework together," Payton replied.

"Then yes?" asked Maddie, with another shy smile.

Payton sighed, while I was praying in my teeth.

"Yes, you can copy my homework, " answered Payton.

She opened her purse and pulled out her folder that had her homework inside; h walked Maddie, who quickly put her dark brown hair collected in a ponytail, and began writing the answers on her own paper after grabbing Payton's blade. She quickly began writing the answers below, biting her food here and there. Her dark brown eyes focused on the work in front of her. Although Maddie may not have been the best at math, she's certainly the best at drawing. She was great at it, and if she wanted to pursue a dream as a famous artist, I'm sure she would make it. However, that may not happen, due to the fact that you prefer to open a flower shop, as you love flowers and gardening.

"So what...? Payton said in a curious tone.

I knew where this conversation was going and I'm sure it had something to do with Joe. I didn't need to think about what to lie to say. He had a big poker face and he was a big liar. It was a bad thing, but good, for moments like this. Moments like lying to my best friend to protect a secret that wasn't mine to tell.

"If it's Joe, he asked me to tell my mom, " I pointed the fork right, "that her mom told her, "I pointed left, "to tell me to tell you," she re-pointed out to the right, "that she might have the weekend off," I said in an indifferent tone, quietly eating my food.

It was a big lie, because they knew my mom worked as a domestic servant for her family. It was a valid, credible answer and will make this issue not go beyond what it should. Joe and I need to find out who sends these pictures more than who knows about them. Once we find out who's sending them, maybe we can tell our friends the truth.

"How did you feel when you first spoke to Joe Bandit?" joked Payton with a smile.

I knew how long I tried to pass without talking to Joe. What she didn't know, is or today it wasn't the first time Joe and I have spoken to each other, the AST night; but that's not something I'm going to tell you yet. It was distressing and I felt like vomiting because of how nervous I was when I talked to him. I'm surprised he didn't stutter when he spoke.

Thank God, I was relieved.

"I was nervous and nauseous," I responded with a shiver, as I thought of the shame I would have felt if I really vomited.

Payton let out a giggle: "Speak of an unforgettable first impression."

Maddie suddenly let out a little laugh, while copying the answers from Payton's math work; making me assume I was partially listening to Payton and I talking about Joe.

"I know," I moaned, "I'll see him again on purpose later today, after he leaves your house."

Maddie stopped writing and looked at me. Both his eyes and Payton's enlarged in front of my comment.

"Why?" this time the question came from Maddie.

I immediately came up with another lie: "Well, I'm not looking for it specifically. I'm going to his house to see the che f. He made me more muffins," I put on an excited face. I wish it were true, and I hope it's surprisingly true.

"It's so good that he does that for you, " growled Maddie. Then he sighed and said in a dreamy voice, "I wish I had a chef, who would always make me desserts."

"He's not my chef, he's Joe's, " I said in a funny voice.

"He could become his chef, " laughed Payton.

I raised my eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

Maddie smiled and copied Payton's work again, while Payton answered my question.

"If you and Joe always got married XX -- " she began to say.

I quickly cut him "Woahhhhhh. Wait there." Then I shone with my head and mocked "I wish, but unfortunately I'm not her type," emphasizing the word "desire" for her.

"What makes you think you're not his type?" Payton's eyebrows got pursed.

I bowed my head up and said my thought aloud, "I just am not."

Payton shook his head "You're wrong."

I raised my eyebrow, "What makes you think that?"

She looked at me and bent over to whisper in my ear: "She's never had a girlfriend."

I raised my eyebrow and looked at her in amazeed. Now that I think about it...

She was right.

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