
When lunchtime came, Lexy had been a long time without eating out, and fancy restaurants had never been among her personal choices.

Esteban never had the money to invite her out and he always ended up choosing fast food and the cheapest, a menu that fit his pocket.

She sat next to Emma while Joseph exchanged a few words outside the restaurant and took advantage of the privacy to pour herself wine and drink to calm her nerves.

"And where are they?" What are they doing? She asked very anxiously, looking everywhere.

"They talk about the size of their penises, their hairy balls and who lasts longer" Emma mocked with a youthful voice and Lexy was so shocked that she choked on the wine she had in her mouth.

She was overjoyed when she saw Storni walking between the tables, grinning from ear to ear and next to him, a pair of lively young men who seemed excited for some reason that Lexy was unaware of.

She tensed in her seat as the three men settled into their table and held her breath as Stor
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