6: Podría ser despedida
"That's because I really don't want to be seen with a jerk like you," Sara wanted to say that, but managed to hold back.

Then he sighed.

"I'm sorry, but people here don't know that you're my husband," Sara said, looking at Miguel apologetically.

Miguel fell silent upon hearing that. He knew that Sara had moved to a new hospital. The last time he remembered, Sara worked at a hospital that wasn't as big as this one.

"But you could just introduce me as your husband," Miguel said, still feeling strange about his wife's behavior.

If people really didn't know he was Sara's husband, shouldn't she just introduce him? Why was she trying so hard not to be seen with him?

"That's... um..." Sara faltered a little upon hearing that question.

After all, Miguel was not her husband. People also knew that her marital status was still single.

How could she introduce Miguel as her husband?

"I could get fired!" Sara suddenly said, the words crossing her mind.

Miguel frowned upon hearing that. Could Sara be

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