Chapter 18

The first thing Rhiannon was aware of, was her right hand, it was on something hard and warm. Then her left cheek, and then, her arm felt numb. She opened her eyes with difficulty and waited for them to adjust to the darkness of the room. She didn't want to disturb Raksha for something as simple as orienting herself, when the smell was more than enough to know who she had next to her.

She was curled up against Aidan’s body, one leg tangled between his and her head on his chest. She outlined the shape of his pecs and stopped when she felt his hand open over her lower back and caress her there.

“Be careful or you'll wake him,” she heard Raksha’s voice. “He’s resting, but his wolf is alert.”

“Were you able to communicate with him?”

“No... but I can sense him and I know you can too,” the she-wolf assured her.

“Yes, Raksha, I felt him. And it was... painful. I don't know if I have the strength to accept someone like that.”

Raksha stirred uneasily inside her.

“His wolf is different, Rhianno
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