

Reseñas insuficientes


At a time when racism prevailed in a prejudiced society and the only future reserved for blacks was slavery, a dark-skinned girl receives the opportunity to be raised and educated by a Portuguese godmother. However, soon after such luck she is violated and forced to witness her parents being burned alive at the stake by a cruel slave. After growing up and receiving the same education given to whites, he becomes hostage to his master's sexual desires and to achieve the freedom he needs to be happy, he is subjected to the worst trials, tortures and humiliations that fate has in store for him. But his strength and courage allow him to endure everything with faith, determination and unshakable hope, until he knows true love.

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6 chapters
Chapter 1 - The Trunk
After four days chained to that tree after being cruelly whipped by orders from the farm foreman, she endured sun and rain determined to get out of there alive. That was the first time she was taken to be beaten in the trunk for running away from her master who habitually raped her. Days before that stage, her attackers captured her and for several hours she was under the whip of the feared Baron of Café, as the one who bought it was known. Then they beat her with kicks and kicks, leaving her body full of serious wounds and bruises, she was bleeding a lot, blood was dripping from her mouth and nose. Many others who lived there in the same situation saw the terrible way in which she found herself, but they could do nothing, since they were also deprived of the same freedom, the only thing to do was to see everything in silence. But, to better understand his sad story we need to go back in time, when it all started.  His name was Lucinete, whose meaning in the Afro-Brazil
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Chapter 2 - The Journey
The municipality of waterfall from Camp,, where he was heading, was known for its very important gold reserves that existed in the 18th century, when the Portuguese exported around 800 tons of valuable ore to the Portuguese crown. Most of the families that resided in that part of the country came from former miners and Justino was one of those who dared to go and live in that region where there was no longer a living from the extraction of the old ore. Despite the end of gold mining, the place was profitable in many other ways and became a major trader. Meanwhile along the way on the long journey, Luz believed that she was forever distancing herself from her place of martyrdom and could already taste the true freedom in the blowing of the wind that licked her face while riding on that animal, whose neighing reminded her of the times of your adolescence. Time when he set up others like him and could walk through the dense vegetation of coffee plantations. However, when f
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Chapter 3 - The Persecution
At the same moment when the fugitive's new pursuer left in pursuit, in the small and distant property where she was protected by her new friend, danger is approaching, when ten of the men sent to find her find the hiding place and, even without knowing the sure if she was there, they decide to investigate. The one who seemed to be the leader of the gang approaches the house and seeks the presence of the resident.— Oh, home, good morning! The couple is frightened by the arrival of the thugs and Florencio immediately asks Luz to hide, then goes to meet them.— Good morning, how can I help you?— Good Morning. We are doing a search for the region in search of a slave who fled the lands of Baron from Coffee, Mr. Dionísio Dantas. We wonder if the friend in a certain way could not pass on some information that would help in the capture of the fugitive?— I'm sorry, but so far I haven't seen anyone passing by these pa
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Chapter 4 - Back to Captivity
A strong wind started to blow in that darkness that was lit only by the weak light of some fires purposely prepared and lit for that occasion, it seemed that God or some other force of nature was saddened to see the suffering of those innocents. The most superstitious commented that the spirits rode from side to side in their seven-headed animals promising punishment to the executioners. Fire, sulfur and smoke came out of their nostrils, testifying to the cruelty that was being done there and at the right moment they would punish those responsible for the injustices committed with death. Black Africans believed and worshiped different types of gods, spirits who lived on another plane and who called Orixás. Totally superstitious, they saw everything in mystery and attributed their fate and destiny to the unknown, they were certain that revenge would fall on the Dantas soon. The cold of the serene punished even more their bodies exposed in the moonlight and the dar
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Chapter 5 - The Invasion
After gathering some of his servants, the most manly and willing to fight, they devised a surprise attack scheme against the farmer, but there was still something to be done to make everything work as well as possible. Luz should be informed about what would happen, in order to be prepared to make the escape together with her rescuers. Here is the biggest problem, how to warn her? The way would be to pass the message on to him through one of the servants of the big house.Alabá would be the most suitable person, however, how to locate her to send a ticket with the information to Luz? Vicente, one of the blacks who knew the maid, explained that at least once a month some of those who served the women of the Dantas family were sent to the village to buy products from the province, and it would be a great opportunity to talk to the maid. that would certainly be among them.By coincidence, the next morning would be the exact day in question and what should be done w
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Final chapter - The Freedom Prize
The property on which Dionísio and his men just arrived belonged to Colonel Leopoldo, a friend of old times, they met while still young and grew up practicing the same abuses against women and children. Pedophilia, heinous crimes against innocents, disobedience to the authorities and various other barbarities have always been his favorite diversions. At that time, they were two playboys who believed they had the freedom and the right to do what they thought was best, due to the fact that they belonged to wealthy families, so they spent their entire lives committing countless absurdities.But time passed, each went their own way and stopped visiting each other. However, neither of them changed old habits and continued to abuse their luck. Dionysus finally came face to face with the donkeys and now he had become a fugitive, pursued by the Empire and his presence was a threat to anyone who intended to help him. As the news that he became a defendant before the Portuguese
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