Chapter 7
The next morning, Danna woke up feeling better. He sat up from the skins in which he had slept and arranged that space. During the night, he had heard the howls of the nearby beasts, but instead of feeling fear, his heart was beating curiously. He wondered if his rescue by these creatures was linked to some purpose of the moon goddess.

"How did you wake up, my child?" Grandma asked.

"Good, Grandma. I'm going to go out and tour the area.

The old lady was frightened, she didn't want to lose her again.

"Outside, wolves are prowling the cabin. They leave and return for short periods. Don't you think you'd be better off not going out?

With a loving look, Danna tried to calm her down.

"I feel in my heart that they won't hurt me. In addition, they rescued me from those who really wanted to make me suffer.

Danna walked with trembling legs toward the door. However, it wasn't out of fear, but out of a desire to understand why the wolves were still out there, as if guarding her. He decided to ope
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