158. Stealing a treasure

A silent shadow raced through the forest until it reached a mansion hidden in the middle of nowhere, heavily shielded by spells and protections.

He had nearly consumed an entire bottle of that woman's blood, so for a limited time, he was like a true shadow.

He slipped into Lucian's mansion, unsure where the fabled golden egg he was searching for was.

It was likely in a treasure room or something similar.

Voices in the kitchen indicated that people were gathered there.

Though he was supposed to be hidden, it was best not to take risks, mainly since powerful beings lived in this house.

A familiar scent hit his nose, and he headed towards one of the rooms on the second floor.

A shadow slipped under the door and snuck into a dark corner of the room.

He was astonished to recognize the Omega looking out the window towards the forest.

It was the same one who had done Estela the favor of attacking in those caves, where Alpha Elijah nearly caught him.

Fortunately, he had taken precautions t
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