154. Treacherous attack

"Leave me alone! You already have what you longed for, don't you? You groveled so much for his love that in the end, you got it," Ophelia yanked her arm free from the tight grip.

"You want me to leave you alone? You came into my territory, offering yourself like the cheap whore you are. If I don't teach you a lesson today, I might as well change my name," she took menacing steps toward the Omega with a cruel expression.

"I think you should behave, especially if you're going to be the Luna of the pack. Don't you think it's inappropriate to act like a classless market woman?" Malla stepped between the two, protecting Ophelia.

She could feel the unbridled, raw hatred pouring out of that woman.

"The nerve of a filthy hybrid coming to lecture me. Ophelia, are you hiding behind the old ones now?" she taunted, and truly Ophelia felt like tearing that b*tch's face apart.

Just as she stepped forward, determined for anything, she sensed other scents surrounding them.

They were trapped in the al
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