152. Painful decisions

Elijah practically threw himself out of the moving car and strode into the main house of the pack.

He had smelled her entering the square and before even reaching the building.

Cintra looked up after being absent for so long.

"Ophelia!" his heartbeat, filled with hope and longing as soon as he saw her.

"Alpha Cohen," Ophelia gave him a very distant and diplomatic bow, and there was a lady beside him who looked at him with sharp and critical eyes, but Elijah cared for nothing else.

"Ophelia, I…"

"I came here to talk to you about an important matter. Do you think we can do it?" Ophelia halted all his enthusiasm with a severe expression.

"Of course, of course we can. Alex, make sure no one disturbs us," Elijah said, lowering his euphoria from seeing her, smelling her, and feeling her so close to him.

He had missed her so much that his heart ached to death, and if he had endured, it was because he had his plans and motives, as always.

"You can talk to me about anything," he tried to sit n
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