149. The Warning

"Ancient, there is an important report I must make," John asked permission to enter Lucian's office.

"Tell me," Lucian raised his head from the documents he reviewed.

"This morning, an unknown wolf was discovered on the pack's borders. The warriors immediately tried to stop the intruder, but he was too fast. Suddenly, he dropped this envelope, and the men who chased him all agreed. It seemed like a strategy on purpose to get this message to us," John concluded, passing him a sealed white envelope.

"We've checked it, and it doesn't seem to have anything suspicious, but please, be careful," John warned him worriedly, and Lucian inspected the paper a bit.

The outside read, "For the Ancient of the pack, Lucian." It was obviously directed at him. When he opened it, there was just a note that said:

"Be careful. Attack soon on the pack for hidden treasure. Prepare defense."

Lucian understood it clearly from the start.

"John, immediately, it seems someone wants to warn us of a surprise attack
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