137. Saving my Omega

The strong current dragged Elijah through a series of subway tunnels. Still, despite the critical situation, he was an Alpha, and his whole strong body responded with tension in every muscle.

He felt like he was moving forward through a dark tunnel, trying to keep his head above the water and avoid the dangerous protrusions of sharp stones on the rocky walls.

Then, the current slowed as he passed through a larger cave, and Elijah saw her.

His little Omega was clinging to a big rock in the middle of this turbulent river of frozen water.

Ophelia was desperate, falling so suddenly that she almost drowned on the spot. Despite the blows she took, none of them were in critical areas like her head because if she fainted, that would be the end of her.

Swallowed by the dark water, her whole body went from drowning to being able to breathe, which allowed her aching lungs to continue working.

Now, she clung desperately to this uneven, slippery rock that blocked her way.

But she was losing streng
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