135. I just missed you too much

Ophelia had participated with the entire team in planning the next day's outdoor activities, which included filming and photographing an old mine on the property.

That was the goal of this publicity campaign.

To clean up the image of mining's environmental destruction.

After tossing and turning, a little unaccustomed to the new bed, she finally fell asleep.

But in the middle of her sleep, she felt as if someone had climbed into her bed and curled up on top of her under the covers.

Could she be dreaming? Wait, this is no damned dream!

She opened her eyes in the darkness, frightened by all the pressure she felt on her body, and it was restricting her; she couldn't move a muscle!

Sure, but she could scream; the other girls were nearby, but only a big hand covered her mouth and bye-bye to call for help.

" It's me, little one. Calm down, don't be afraid; it's me," a hoarse voice whispered in her ear, and Ophelia's chaotic heart found its place.

" Are you crazy? What are you doing here? You
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