122. A coward wolf

"Don't ever show up in this club again. You're not allowed in, especially not with a guy," Ophelia heard the man say in her ear, rough and annoyed, as he put her dress back on.

Angry with her or with himself?

She wanted to turn around and ask him what was happening between them, but he left as he came.

He stepped like a shadow through the dancing people, and despite his size, no matter how much she wanted to follow him, the stranger disappeared.

Ophelia was left completely lost and standing there like a fool.

What exactly had she done?

She had let a random man touch her like that, and worse, she had experienced a hot orgasm that was still trickling down between her legs.

She had never liked being controlled, but for some reason, feeling dominated by his presence, being so small in his strong arms, his domineering commands and no room to say no, his growl of desire in her ear, had turned her on so much that if she pushed herself any harder, she believed she would give herself to this w
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