Galves wanted to know everything because his daughter's decision not to tell the prince anything seemed more and more right to him.

What king, what prince, what nothing?

If he could get his hands on that egg, he would be the fucking master of the world.

As if it were so easy to hatch and control a dragon.

- A sacrifice, blood, father, my heart in exchange for going back in there - Nagy put her hand to her chest in obvious fear.

- But that's absurd!

- If they take your heart, it's impossible for you to return alive, let alone tell others such a dangerous secret…

And of course, that was the goal, that no one could return, to keep the treasure safe.

Galves understood then.

If he wanted this power, he would have to sacrifice his only daughter.

- Nagy, can you make a map of the place? Just in case you forget - he told her seriously.

- Don't worry, nothing will come out of my mouth.

- We will protect you, daughter, this time I will not let you be sacrificed for the clan again.

He looked at
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