102. An unexpected ally

“Michael, it's impossible to hide the mark and our scent. Rudolph is very clever. Could you sense it?”

Amath spoke in Michael's mind, as they gazed at their mate, sleeping in bed after several rounds of lovemaking.

The sun was rising, and they knew it was impossible to hide the mess.

Their heat was not over, and they were still satisfied, but it was foolish to think the prince would believe their lies.

“Someone was probing the barrier last night, trying to break through,”

Michael recalled. He felt the power of an intruder wanting to explore the room.

Someone to shake his defenses, it could be Rudolph.

“I think it's time to talk to the prince,” Michael and Amath agreed.

They left everything ready in case they had to run away with Nagy.

Michael kissed her on the forehead and told her he loved her.

She was freshly marked, and his wolf instinct wanted to stay with his mate.

He left the room and walked through the castle to the library.

The werewolf felt the vampire's presence.

Michael ent
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