CHAPTER 739. PRINCESS BY DAY. PREFACESYNOPSISCameron Lake has the face of a demon, the tattoos of an angry demon, and the body of a demon in heat. That’s precisely why no one dares to get too close to him—because they don’t know that deep down (though very deep down), he’s a man with the best heart in the world, who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, which destroyed his life.After a decade in prison, carrying a grudge he struggles to control, his only options are to return to the underworld to survive… or try to make an honest living. The problem is, who in their right mind would hire a man like him?The options are few—until someone puts him in front of a father looking for a dangerous man.“My daughter is a little angel,” Jhon Hopkins assured him. “She’s a princess, but I’ve made too many enemies, and everyone knows my moves, so I need a different kind of protection for her… unexpected protection. You get me?”And the real problem isn’t protecting the princ
CHAPTER 740. PRINCESS BY DAY. A DANGEROUS DEBTCameron stared intently at the bag the man placed in front of him, but he didn’t make the mistake of touching it. Experience had already taught him that when it came to business between criminals, it was always best to keep his hands deep in his pockets rather than on a brick of cocaine worth more than a quarter of a million francs.“I need you to deliver this to this address,” ordered the owner of the club he worked for.“No, thanks,” Cameron replied, turning around and heading for the door—until a shout stopped him.“Hey! Do I look like I’m asking you?!” Kolo, the owner, spat, his voice so full of rage that the third man in the room, another security guard like Cameron, rushed forward.But before he could grab the brick, a huge, firm hand clamped down on his wrist, stopping him.“We’re club security. We get paid to throw out drunks and watch over the girls. We’re not drug runners,” Cameron stated, locking eyes with Kolo.“Do you have an
CHAPTER 741. PRINCESS BY DAY. A JOB INTERVIEWCameron stopped in front of the mansion’s gate, and just a couple of seconds later, he turned around. He would have walked away without a second thought if Noel hadn’t shoved him toward the gate.“Clearly, Estrella got it wrong,” he muttered in frustration.“No, she didn’t. This is the address,” his friend stated.“Yeah, she did, because a guy like me has no business being anywhere near people like this. I don’t know what the owner of this house is looking for, but I’d bet anything it’s not me,” Cameron snapped. However, Noel spun him around and made him walk toward the security booth.“Excuse me, we were told there was a job interview,” Noel spoke up, since it was obvious Cameron wasn’t even going to try. “Do we need to fill out a form or anything?”“Your ID will be enough, young man,” the gate guard replied politely, and Noel handed over both his and Cameron’s before turning to his friend and lowering his voice.“See? These are high-clas
CHAPTER 742. PRINCESS BY DAY. LITTLE ANGELJhon Hopkins wasn’t entirely sure what it was about the kid, but something stood out. He was brutally honest, even when it didn’t benefit him. He clearly didn’t believe in justifications. And he preferred to look ahead rather than drown in a past that had undoubtedly been anything but good.He signaled to Billy, who pulled out a gun and handed it to Cameron, who eyed it warily.“I need to make sure you know how to use it,” Jhon declared.Cameron shoved his hands into his pockets, pulling out a pair of leather gloves and slipping them on before even touching the gun.“I know how to shoot, if that’s what you mean,” he replied, loading and unloading it—not with any remarkable skill, but at least he wasn’t unfamiliar with handling a firearm. “But it’ll be useless. I don’t have a license, and with my record, no sane official would ever grant me one.”“Don’t worry about that. I’ll make sure you get all the necessary permits,” Jhon replied. “The que
CHAPTER 743. PRINCESS BY DAY. PRINCESS… BY DAYCameron would have liked to look her up and down, but he couldn’t, because the girl was crouched like a cornered little predator. The only thing clearly visible was that delicate necklace with her name in rose gold letters: Dandara.So this was the little angel—the one sneaking over the fence at dawn so no one would see where the hell she was coming from!But the moment he lifted his gaze, he realized that this demon had probably eaten her angelic halo for breakfast. And that keeping her safe wasn’t going to be easy.“Who the hell are you?” he heard her hiss, and even his thoughts bristled.Cameron swallowed hard and took a deep breath as he got to his feet, never breaking eye contact with her.Dandara made a tremendous effort not to bite her lower lip—she had learned to keep her thoughts to herself, even unconsciously—but it was hard to deny that the man in front of her was attractive. He was tall, wore a dark leather jacket and jeans th
CHAPTER 744. PRINCESS BY DAY. WHAT I KNOWDandara’s heart was racing in her chest, because it was clear that whoever this guy was, he was coming into her house invited.Still, she had no choice but to take advantage of his shameless push, swallow a surprised curse at the smack, and then walk close to the walls until she saw him greeting her Uncle Billy.He wasn’t her blood uncle, but he was one of her father’s best friends, which automatically put him in the uncle category—and of course, he would report everything that was going on.As usual, she managed to slip past the household staff, who were always half-asleep in the mornings, and made it to her room to begin her transformation.She took a shower to clear her head—because, honestly, she’d had a busy night—and dressing like the sweet teacher she sometimes actually was was only half the act. The other half was the permanently kind smile, which she had to force the moment she saw that man standing next to her father in the dining ro
CHAPTER 745. PRINCESS BY DAY. The One Holding the LeashMessing with the devil—that’s what it felt like, and Cameron knew it. He was also sure that the moment John Hopkins walked back through that door, she would go right back to being the sweet and innocent preschool teacher she pretended to be.Dandara looked at him as if she were about to rip his head off, but a minute later, her entire expression relaxed."Am I sensing an attempt at blackmail, Mr. Lake?" she challenged, swaying her hips as she walked past him."I would never dare, Miss Princess. The money your father pays me is more than enough. I just want to start this professional relationship without lies. You don’t lie to me, I keep quiet about your truths, you stay happy, and I do my job protecting you. Sound fair?"Dandara circled him, trying to suppress the smirk tugging at her lips. Of course, it didn’t sound fair. But she had her ways and her timing. Every single high-profile bodyguard her father had hired quit sooner or
CHAPTER 746. PRINCESS BY DAY. The New BodyguardJust to be clear, of course Dandara had a real friend—one she truly trusted—but she had never brought her home or introduced her to her parents because she didn’t want her to be corrupted by their constant displays of love and kindness. She knew all the sordid stories through gossip… and because Uncle Billy was a gossip, but to the rest of the family, her parents were still Saint Jhon and Saint Chiara.In fact, Sonya was the one who always helped her get rid of her bodyguards. Dealing with one crazy woman was hard enough, but handling two? That was like stepping straight into a damn madhouse.However, if she expected a bad reaction from Cameron, the next picture she tried to take proved otherwise. She saw him undo a button on his shirt, shrug one shoulder out of his jacket, and adjust his… package by pulling at his pants."Are you freaking kidding me? The kids are about to come back from recess!" Dandara scolded him."Well, be clear with