CHAPTER 719. IN MY NEXT LIFE. A Place Called DesperationIf Percival McKenneth had ever, even for the slightest moment, doubted what that man felt for Kim, all doubt vanished in an instant when he saw him stagger after those words left his mouth."Three...? What do you mean, three months...? What are you saying with three...?" Peter felt like he wasn't really speaking, like his lips were moving but no sound was coming out, because he was pretty sure he couldn't hear himself.One of his hands went backward, as if he were grasping at empty air, trying to find something to hold on to, but before that weakness could send him to the floor, Percival McKenneth’s steady hand caught him, pressing him against a wall where Peter leaned back as if breathing had become difficult."I'm sorry, but I can imagine why she didn't tell you," Percy murmured, running a hand through his hair with a resigned sigh. "Kim doesn’t like to talk about it. In fact, we haven’t talked about it in a long time, so..."
CHAPTER 720. IN MY NEXT LIFE. An Important JourneyHe wanted a miracle. That was really all he wanted.Peter let himself slide down that wall as if all his strength had abandoned him completely. His mind was tangled with medical terms and disease names that meant absolutely nothing. But while it was true that Percival McKenneth might have once been a bitter man, it was clear that he wasn’t a bad one.A few minutes later, the doctors arrived to confirm that the diagnosis was absolutely accurate and that every other physician who had assessed the case had done everything humanly possible to help her with some kind of treatment that might work. Yet none had."Can you tell me...? Can you tell me how it’s going to be?" he asked, his heart in his throat, tears rolling down his cheeks unstoppably. Because even though he didn’t want to give up, even though he wanted to fight for her with everything he had, the truth was that he needed to know what he was up against."She’s going to be tired,"
CHAPTER 721. IN MY NEXT LIFE. Just the BeginningThe sky was absolutely clear, and it was beautiful—truly beautiful—at that hour of the afternoon. Kim gazed out the airplane window as if she couldn’t believe they were actually taking a trip like this.The sleek private jet had been ready the moment the doctor discharged her from the hospital. The truth was, she had no idea what had been packed in her suitcase or if she even had one at all. The only thing she knew was that Peter had lifted her into his arms, carried her straight to the car, and half an hour later, the plane had taken off with them on board, offering the utmost privacy. The only flight attendant kept herself discreetly out of sight."Do you want to stay here, or can I invite you to the bed?" Peter asked in a flirtatious tone, and Kim couldn’t do anything but smile at him."I like it here," she assured him, curling up in the seat while his hand slowly caressed her thigh. "I just want you to tell me what happened with the
CHAPTER 722. IN MY NEXT LIFE. It’s Not ResponsibilityAnd while it was true that Peter Ferguson had more than enough money to afford the most luxurious hotel, his choice was a small stilt cabin on the beach, on a private island completely isolated from everyone.Their only connection to the central islands was a small yacht that he knew how to handle perfectly. At first, he worried that Kim might get seasick, but the truth was, she was utterly mesmerized by the scenery, savoring every moment—the color of the lush vegetation, the purity of those untouched waters that so few people ever got to see.Needless to say, he watched her pout in delight the instant she saw the cabin—bright and open, where it would be just the two of them.The service staff stayed on a nearby island but were available at any time. Even so, Peter was convinced they could handle things on their own."I swear I won’t burn the kitchen down!" he declared after setting their small suitcases in the only bedroom."Well,
CHAPTER 723. IN MY NEXT LIFE. I’m Going to Try with All My Might!Making her scream was, without a doubt, one of the best sensations Peter had ever experienced. Feeling the way her body arched beneath him, the way her sex trembled against his mouth, every shudder that ran through her, every gasp, every desperate moan as she reached for him…Not even in his wildest dreams had he imagined feeling something like this for a woman—desiring a woman like this, surrendering to someone in this way.He had always been a pragmatic man. Falling in love wasn’t in his vocabulary. Having fun? Yes. But love? Never.God knew how many women had tried to win him over for a full-time relationship, and he had never given in to any of them.And yet, here he was, completely lost over a woman who, incredibly, hadn’t even tried to conquer him. A woman who wouldn’t be by his side for much longer but still made his heart race in a way that filled him with both hope and despair.He lifted her against his body wi
CHAPTER 724. IN MY NEXT LIFE. A Different ProjectThe answer was yes, of course it was—always.There was no way Kim would say no to something like that. So nothing could stop her from putting her full attention into that project.And the truth was, she wasn’t really working, because doing something she had wanted for so long—especially knowing it would be in Peter’s hands—made her forget all the bad emotions that sometimes overwhelmed her.Bali was beautiful, she had to admit that, but she was also convinced she would have never truly enjoyed it, no matter how much time or money she had, unless she was there with him.Peter knew he shouldn’t let her exhaust herself too much, but he simply couldn’t resist every time she looked at him with those eyes and asked him to go for a walk around the little island.Walking along the beach was simply wonderful, and he found himself struck by the unsettling realization that, until that moment, he had never really enjoyed life. He had never appreci
CHAPTER 725. IN MY NEXT LIFE. A Small FootprintShe was sleepy. The landscape around her was absolutely perfect, so peaceful that if Kim was being honest, she had to admit she had never felt such a deep sense of calm in her entire life. Yet, something still tingled inside her—an urgent need to do one more thing, to leave at least a small footprint behind, something that would help others before she left.So, a month after arriving in Bali, Kim fought against her exhaustion to be the one to wake Peter up that morning.“What’s wrong, baby? Are you okay? Do you feel something?” he asked worriedly, surprised to see her awake so early.“Yes, it’s nothing… I just… I just wanted to ask if you’d be okay with us leaving,” Kim replied.“Leaving?” Peter asked, confused. “Leaving where, doll?”“Well, I was thinking… maybe we could go to England,” she sighed. “I’d really love to visit that school the Kings have. We could get some ideas and…”She trailed off when she saw the hesitation on his face.
CHAPTER 726. IN MY NEXT LIFE. In My Next LifeAnd if Kim was being honest, she didn’t really care what the school would be called. The only thing that truly mattered to her was that a place like that would be built for the children.“Where would you like it the most?” she asked as they flew back to Switzerland. She had already decided that she wanted to spend her final weeks at home.“Lucerne,” Peter answered without a second’s hesitation. “I wouldn’t trade Lucerne for anything. Most of my family is there, and as soon as my cousins hear about this, they’ll get involved as much as possible. Not to mention my parents—after raising so many kids over the years, they’re basically experts at this point.”“It’s funny how your mom never wanted biological children. I guess having you was more than enough, huh? I can’t even imagine all the trouble you must have caused her!” Kim laughed, picturing a young Peter getting into fights with Noemi or Levi, sneaking off to slide down the mountain—wheth