CHAPTER 6: You're ready

CHAPTER 6: An Ultimatum

Saying Andrea had worked hard to prepare and earn a promotion to an apprentice representative was an understatement.

Trembley was more than upset to see her spending so much time with Zack, but his first attempt to fire him was also his last.

"But he's getting too close to one of his colleagues! That's not allowed in this company!" he bellowed at the Human Resources manager.

"Well, I sent his termination letter to corporate, and they sent it back with a big DENIED stamp," the man replied. "You can't fire him."

Trembley stormed out of there, more furious than ever. In four months, Andrea had managed to evade him, but now it seemed she had someone helping her. And that idiot Zack seemed untouchable.

Andrea, on her part, kept dodging Trembley as much as she could. Despite Trembley's relentless workload, she took every spare moment to study the materials Zack gave her.

She had put everything else aside to study. As soon as Adriana fell asleep next to her, she would
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