CHAPTER  345. A NAUGHTY GIRL. I never thought…

CHAPTER 345. A NAUGHTY GIRL. I never thought…

“You can’t do this, you can’t. For months, I believed that after what happened with Odessa, I wouldn’t be able to trust anyone else, I wouldn’t be able to love anyone else. And then you came along… and I know jealousy and distrust blinded me, but I swear I’ve learned my lesson, Noe, I swear on my son’s life that I’ve learned, and if you leave me, I’ll spend the rest of my life proving to you that you’re the most important thing to me.”

Noémi’s lower lip trembled, and she bit it. Levi realized she was holding back tears, but he couldn’t tell if they were out of frustration or longing.

“I’m sorry, Levi,” she finally murmured. “I swear I’m not saying this to hurt you, but I can’t stay, because now I’m the one who can’t trust you.”

Levi felt tears sting his eyes, but he blinked them away.

“Yes, you can, of course, you can. I love you…” Even he was surprised by that declaration, but he just laughed and kept going. “I love you, baby, I real
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