CHAPTER  321. A NAUGHTY GIRL. No, of course not!

CHAPTER 321. A NAUGHTY GIRL. No, of course not!

It didn’t take him long to sneak into the emergency room and identify two of Noemi's brothers in front of one of the doors. He ran toward them, but he was only a few feet away when Milo stepped in his path.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Milo growled, grabbing him by the jacket violently as if he was ready to hit him.

Levi was stunned; he couldn’t understand why Milo was treating him like this, but he kept trying to drag him out of the hospital.

"This is all your fault!" Noemi's brother exclaimed, raising his voice above the noise of the bustling hospital staff. "How dare you show up here?"

Levi couldn’t believe what he was hearing and stood there, mouth agape.

"What are you talking about?" he growled, trying to break free. "I just want to see Noemi, to make sure she’s okay... Why the hell are you saying this is my fault?"

"Don’t play dumb now!" Milo roared, "because I’m not the type to buy into coincidences!"

"Enough!" Levi exclai
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