Planning a trip to Paris for the Keller boys was as easy as refueling the plane, so Andrea was very excited about all the things they would do when they got there.

However, there was still another surprise waiting for her before leaving, and when she received that call from Ben, she couldn't have imagined he was lying.

“Andrea, I’m sorry to bother you, but we have an emergency,” her boss said, and Andrea sat down to give him her full attention.

“Sure, what’s going on?”

“I’ve got an amateur ski group arriving in Lucerne. The branch manager there had already contacted them, and it looks like they’ve decided to sign the contract.”

“I didn’t know you had a company branch here in Lucerne,” Andrea murmured, surprised.

“Well… maybe that’s my fault. I didn’t want the manager there to steal you,” Ben laughed. “After all, you’ve got a star player. I’m not going to share commissions with the blockhead running things in Switzerland.”

Andrea laughed because she understood. Ben
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