Lucia smiled sadly, but in her eyes there was resignation, according to her it was impossible to get married, since she was tainted and in a way she considered it was the best thing to do, no matter how much it hurt her at the beginning, she did not regret having done what she did since now she would have some peace in her life without her progenitor by her side.Adriel, on the other hand, said to himself that only an idiot would not marry Lucia, she was a unique girl who managed to do many things that no one had ever been able to do in a long time and he knew that because of her big heart she would go far.- Don't put yourself down so much, you are an extremely beautiful woman and no one has to tell you otherwise, besides, Lucia, you are much more than your virginity and if a man cares only about this, it's just not worth it.- You say that I am beautiful, however, although I thank you it is only superficially and it is not that they told me directly, but they reached a point where t
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