To Tarragon, the fact that Edwin assembled the best to take down an average man like Dustin, was rather puzzling."After all the hoo-ha, it turns out that their target is Dustin! Thank God." Dakota let out a sigh of relief in secret. There was a saying: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Since Edwin shared the same goal as the Nicholsons in wanting to get rid of Dustin, she believed they should not be stuck in a confrontation."Evil defeats evil. Dustin Rhys, you'll be dead today!" Gloria chuckled gleefully. She had heard of the Bounty League and understood the severity of having a gold-tier assassin here. A humble doctor like Dustin would never defend himself against one."You really splurged to get me killed." Dustin shook his head, appearing fearless at the threat."I'm willing to give up my family fortune as long as I get my revenge." Edwin sniggered."I'm afraid you'll be disappointed today. This bunch can't kill me," Dustin replied."Can't they? Wow, you jerk. Look at you,
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